Sunday, April 10, 2016

April 4 - April 10

 It is hard to get any pictures from the temple, so most of the pictures are on our "adventures" outside the temple.  I got my hair done for the first time since coming to Guatemala.  Angelina did a good job and actually massaged my head during the shampoo.  It felt great.  She is just down the road and really handy.
 We went for our morning walk with the missionaries and went a different way.  We came upon this playground.  The slide is cement and the teeter totter has old tires to cushion you when you come down.

You see a lot of young and older ladies carrying baskets on their heads.  Kayla says it is a lot easier to carry heavy things that way.  I think I'd like to try.
 We visited the relief map of Guatemala.  It was huge.  This monument depicts the man who surveyed everything.
 In front of the monument.  Sister Norman, Sister May, Sister Price, Elder May, Dale, Linda, Sister Hurst, Elder Hurst and Elder Price.  President Norman took the picture.
 Dale looking over the map.  It was interesting to see the large range of volcanoes on the south side where Guatemala City is.
 This is a part of the volcano range with the coast (where MaKayla is) off to the right and the ocean beyond.
There are so many signs that tell where things are, but they are hard to see.  We saw some places where Nicholas served as well and many of the missionaries with us traveled to Tical and went through the Coban area.  It was nice to finally get a perspective of the country - very mountainous in the south and quite flat up north.

We were very busy at the temple this week.  We didn't get home most nights until around 10:00.  Saturday, there were over 1200 ordinances done in our small temple.  There were 4 buses that came and brought a lot of people.  Some of the sessions were packed and there were about 15 own endowments.  When we came in, there were hardly any dresses left in the roperia for the patrons.  So those who work in the laundry were very busy washing and drying clothes.  

This week I met a sister whose face lighted up when she saw my name.  She was excited to tell me that she knew Hermana Dibb (Kayla).  She was in her ward in San Lucas.  Also, I visited with a young temple worker who did splits with Kayla while she was on her mission.  We had the opportunity to meet Nicholas' mission president as well.  So we have been lucky to meet some people who know and love our grandchildren who have been here.

At church today, we met Elder Kevin Duncan and his wife and girls.  He spoke in General Conference about forgiveness and is the Central American Area President.  We found out that he is in our ward -  so we may see him again.  It was a beautiful, sunny, day today and we feel blessed to be able to serve here.


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